Friday, April 5, 2013

homemade granola recipe.

It's Friday! Thank goodness right?! 

Today I'm letting you in on one of my favorite recipes! It is for my homemade granola. I've been told it's quite the tasty little treat! I made a double recipe two weeks ago to take to my church's girls retreat. The container was empty by the end of the weekend!

Basically, I made these super cute recipe cards for you to just print out, but when I uploaded them to the blog, they were so distorted you could barely read it. Hopefully, I'll figure out what the problem is, but until then, I will just tell you the recipe here:

-1 cup (8 oz.) pure maple syrup (Grade A, Dark Amber)
-1/3 cup brown sugar
-4 tsp. vanilla
-1/2 tsp. salt
-1/2 cup canola oil
-2 Tbs. unsalted butter, melted
-5 cups old-fashioned rolled oats
-2 cups almonds, chopped corse

-Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Place rack in the center of the oven. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper (do not use foil). 

-In a large bowl, whisk in maple syrup, brown sugar, vanilla, and salt. Add in oil and butter. Fold in oats and almonds until thoroughly coated.

-Transfer oat mixture to baking sheet and spread into a thin, even layer. See diagrams.

Left: CRISPY & CHEWY- Cooked like this, the edges will be crispy and the middle will be chewy.
Right: CRISPY OR CHEWY- Cooked like this, the granola will bake more evenly.

-Bake for 20 minutes. Check granola. Continue to bake until desired. (If you like your granola soft and chewy, bake until middle is light brown. If you like your granola crispy and crumbly, bake longer.)

-Remove from oven. Let granola cool. Break into pieces.

-Granola will keep for several weeks in an airtight container.


Again, I apologize for not having the recipe cards up! Hopefully I can fix the problem soon though!

I hope you enjoy it! If the recipe isn't clear enough or you have questions, comment and I will get back to you! Also, let me know how your batches come out! Come back and comment-I would love to hear from you!


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